Three Proven Ways to Conquer Self-Doubt on Your Entrepreneurial Journey

personal growth self-doubt Oct 01, 2023
Woman watching sunrise

The entrepreneurial path is never a straightforward one. It goes up and down, and it twists here and turns there. For me, whether it’s been in my personal or professional life, it has come with countless challenging moments. But through all of those challenges, the one thing I can count on arriving at my doorstep at the most inopportune moment is self-doubt. So much so that over the years, I’ve come up with several strategies to quickly tackle this unwanted guest. Here are three tried and tested methods to conquer self-doubt:

1. Anchor Yourself in a Vision

The scriptures often hold profound truths that resonate even in our entrepreneurial pursuits. Habakkuk 2:2-3 says, “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.” Just as the verse suggests, having a clear and divinely inspired vision is like having a beacon that lights our path through life’s darkest times. When waves of self-doubt threatened to throw me off course, I found comfort and direction in the vision God planted in my heart, which I subsequently wrote down in my notes. By the way, anyone that knows me will tell you that I write EVERYTHING down. So, regularly revisiting this God-given vision not only anchors me but also renews my resolve, reminding me of my ‘why’ and the greater purpose at hand.

No one wants to, nor should, walk the entrepreneurship journey alone. Surrounding yourself with a supportive network can make all the difference. From mentors who offer invaluable guidance to peers who understand the unique challenges you face, their collective voices can drown out any internal or external negativity.

2. Surround Yourself with Affirming Voices

In my personal and entrepreneurial journey, the voices that have been instrumental in guiding me come from unexpected quarters. They’ve been close family members who’ve stood by my side, long-term business advisors whose wisdom I cherish, and even competitors who, despite the odds, became allies. These individuals not only imparted valuable insights but also reignited my passion during phases of doubt. They became my champions, constantly reminding me of the victories I’ve achieved and the vast potential that the future still holds.

3. Embrace Every Challenge as an Opportunity

Rather than seeing challenges and setbacks as affirmations of self-doubt, see them as opportunities for growth. Every hurdle presents a lesson, every failure brings insight. In my ventures, be it in skincare or real estate, I’ve realized that what often seemed like setbacks were, in fact, setups for something greater. By adopting a mindset that sees challenges as stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks, you inherently weaken the grip of self-doubt.

In wrapping up, it’s important to understand that the journey of entrepreneurship is less about how fast you can go and more about how long you can last. By fortifying yourself with an unwavering vision, surrounding yourself with dependable allies, and adopting a mindset that’s geared towards learning and growth, you set the stage for a journey where self-doubt is but a fleeting thought, easily pushed out by thoughts of resilience, and determination.

Be blessed!


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