Pillar Three: Planning – The Blueprint for Entrepreneurial Success

Sep 22, 2024

In the journey to building a 7-figure business, planning is the third essential pillar. After conducting your research and analyzing your findings, it’s time to lay the foundation for success with a strategic plan. Planning isn't just about setting goals—it's about understanding what resources you need, when to apply them, and how to implement your strategy effectively.

Why Planning Is Essential

Planning separates the useful information you've gathered from the noise. It helps you take the insights from your research and analysis and shape them into a strategy that’s actionable. A well-thought-out plan enables you to identify the types of resources you'll need and how to allocate them for short-term, immediate, and long-term goals.

One of the key advantages of proper planning is that it creates efficiencies. When you plan well, you avoid wasting time and resources on unnecessary tasks or expenses. Conversely, poor planning can lead to overextending your time, energy, and finances in the wrong direction.

Actionable Tip: As you create your plan, break it down into three phases: immediate, short-term, and long-term. This allows you to focus on what’s necessary right now while keeping an eye on the bigger picture.

Planning for Different Phases of Business Growth

One of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make is thinking they need a large amount of capital to get started. I've heard countless times, "I need a million dollars to launch my business." In reality, you often need far less to get the ball rolling.

For instance, with proper planning, you may only need $100,000 to cover the essentials that will generate enough revenue to eventually justify that larger investment. A well-executed plan helps you understand not only what you need to get started, but also how to strategically grow the business over time.

Actionable Tip: Start by identifying the minimum viable resources necessary to launch your business and get it to a revenue-generating stage. This approach will prevent you from overextending yourself and allow you to reinvest profits as the business grows.

The Biblical Principle of Planning

There’s wisdom in planning. As scripture says, "Would you build a house without first accounting for the resources you need to complete it?" This principle applies directly to entrepreneurship. Without a plan, you risk starting something you’re not prepared to finish. Planning helps you calculate the cost—financially, emotionally, and physically—so that you’re fully prepared to succeed.

Actionable Tip: Before executing your strategy, take time to count the cost—both in terms of finances and personal investment. This will give you a clearer understanding of what it will take to succeed in the long run.

Planning and Execution: A Balanced Approach

When planning is done well, it serves as a roadmap for your business’s future, guiding your steps and ensuring that each decision contributes to your overall success. However, it's important to remain flexible. Sometimes, entrepreneurs over-plan and become rigid, losing sight of necessary adjustments. Balance is key.

A good plan should serve as your guide, but be open to adapting it as your business grows and evolves. The market may shift, customer needs may change, and you need to be ready to pivot without losing sight of your ultimate goals.

Actionable Tip: Review your business plan regularly, especially after major milestones. This will help you make necessary adjustments and ensure you’re still on the right path.

The Power of Planning in Entrepreneurship

Planning is the backbone of a successful business, allowing you to allocate resources efficiently, avoid costly mistakes, and strategically grow your business over time. Without proper planning, even the best research and analysis will fall short. As you continue on your entrepreneurial journey, ask yourself: how are you planning to succeed?

If you want to dive deeper into how to build a strategic plan that works, get your copy of the 7-Figure Business Owner Workbook. It’s packed with actionable insights to help you plan effectively and win as an entrepreneur.


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